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How safe is Asian Medicine?

Acupuncture & Chinese herbs are very safe. This medicine has been practiced for many generations and negative side effects are very rare.  Even individuals who are highly allergic to Western pharmaceutical drugs respond very well to Asian Medicine. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are and have been successfully used with children as well as immunosuppressant patients.


Does acupuncture hurt?

When the thin needles are inserted into the acupuncture points a sensation is felt. Sometimes it feels like a grabbing or heaviness sensation. When a patient feels those sensations it is a good sign! This shows that the needles have connected with the body's Qi. That sensation is called Da Qi in Chinese. A few minutes after needle insertion most people experience a very deep level of relaxation. In my practice I have treated many children including babies, and found that for the most part they had no problem with the needle sensation. Remember, the acupuncture needles are very thin, they are very different than inter-dermal needles used for injection and blood drawing.


Are the needles safe?

Yes. Sterile disposable needles are used. They are used once and then disposed immediately as medical waste.


Do I have to be ill to benefit from acupuncture?

Absolutely not. Many patients come for regular treatments to achieve increased effectiveness and enjoyment in life. Acupuncture can also be a powerful preventive measure to keep patients healthy throughout the year.


Why would I see an acupuncturist?

Many patients begin acupuncture treatment to find relief from pain and a wide range of physical conditions. Others who are not experiencing ailments also seek treatment to maximize their wellness and maintain balance, and stimulate the tremendous healing power of the body, mind and spirit.


What conditions are treated by acupuncture?

Acupuncture has proven effective in the treating the following symptoms, diseases and conditions, according to the report published by the World Health Organization (WHO)

1. Ear, Nose & Throat Disorders - toothache, pain after tooth extraction, earaches, sinus inflammation, nasal inflammation or dryness

2. Respiratory Disorders - uncomplicated bronchial asthma in children or adults, allergic rhinitis, including hay fever

3. Gastrointestinal Disorders - digestive tract problems, duodenal and peptic ulcers, inflammation of the colon, acute and chronic gastritis, nausea and vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, certain types of dysentery

4. Gynecological and Obstetric Care - primary dysmenorrhea, infertility, correction of breech presentation, morning sickness, induction of labor

5. Musculoskeletal Disorders - low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, knee pain, tennis elbow, sprains, perarthritis of the should, TMJ dysfunction, postoperative pain

6. Other Conditions - stroke, headache and migraine, essential hypertension, primary hypotension, renal colic, leucopenia, adverse reaction to chemotherapy, depression, including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke

*About 90 other conditions are currently being investigated by WHO for effective treatment with acupuncture in controlled clinical trials. And remember, no matter what your condition is, acupuncture can help by effectively managing stress during and after treatment, boosting your immunity and speeding your recovery.


How do I get the most out of each treatment?

Avoid intense physical activity after your treatment. If you have a chiropractic or other body work appointments on the same day plan your acupuncture appointment to be the last.

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