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Margarita Borisova, DAOM, Dipl. OM, L.Ac.

Dr. Margarita Borisova completed her Traditional Chinese Medicine education and clinical training at New York College of Health Professions and Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York. Dr. Borisova's extensive professional experience in the healthcare industry as an administrator, clinical research coordinator, and independent business consultant has greatly contributed to her understanding of the challenges of integrative medicine and today's complex patient needs. In her practice, Dr. Borisova focuses on patient quality of life within the framework of wellness and balancing the whole person. Dr. Borisova's particular area of interest also includes assisting patients in recovery and returning to active lifestyle after injury or while living with systemic disease.

Dr. Borisova is an active member of the Acupuncture Society of New York (ASNY) and The National Guild of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (NGAOM). Her other related interests include traditional medicine systems (Yoga, Ayurveda, various teachings of herbalism and dietary therapies), humane treatment of animals, organic and locally sourced nutrition, and green, environmental and organic policies.


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