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I began experiencing lower back pain that radiated down my left leg after I was involved in a car accident. Two months of treatment by a chiropractor did little to alleviate my discomfort. I was living on Motrin and feeling very discouraged. At my wit?s end, I was ready to try anything that might offer some relief. Acupuncture was the answer. The improvement I felt after only one treatment was incredible. Not only did the pain decrease in intensity and frequency, but my energy level increased as well. In addition, I have found that acupuncture has helped me to feel better overall. I would never have believed that these treatments could help so much. Acupuncture is painless, and the treatments are actually very relaxing. My only regret is that I did not begin acupuncture sooner.

Paula S.

In March of 2013 my osteoarthritis suddenly took a dramatic turn for the worse. Between pain and balance I was virtually rendered a handicapped person. Stairs which I needed to do daily had become just about an impossibility. I had to use elevators in the movies and have a friend go down the subway to get me metro cards, until I obtained the easy pass version so I could manage (though painfully express bus steps). Even using some rest rooms that were too low was a challenge. I wound up going to an orthopedist - they only offered surgical options and that was something I decided to avoid at any cost. My lucky day came when my chiropractor recommended acupuncture and Margarita. Now a year later, I have my life back. I can do steps and recently climbed 90 to get to the top of the tower of the El Yunque Rainforest in Puerto Rico. Acupuncture and massage made the pain and mobility much better - I do not have to sue handicapped facilities and do subway steps as needed. I strongly urge you to try this type of treatment before agreeing to go into surgery. Supplements and diet change will also make your quality of life better. I choose the needles over the scalpel any day.

Merryl W.

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